Hey there,

Let me take you back a bit

Sixteen years out of school, I was knee-deep in the world of professional symphonies and eight years into playing in a string quartet. Performing full-time, running a label, composing for the quartet – it was all a whirlwind. But here's the kicker, making enough money to retire on? Not so much. It was decision time, and my wife and I decided to double-down on a new adventure without saying goodbye to music.

I needed a fresh idea, a platform to bring together the skills I'd honed over two decades – playing, composing, drumming, recording, producing, teaching, filming, and having some strong opinions about music as an art form.

For me, it always came back to the music. Writing for orchestras, chamber groups, and bands felt good, but something was missing. Solo tracks felt right, especially when weaving in violin, viola, synths, and a touch of drumming. I wanted to create something rooted in classical music but with a contemporary twist, using sounds familiar to today's listeners.

Music, to me, isn't just sugar for the ears. It's a journey that helps us see and feel the unspoken. Music as art is a window into someone else's world, fostering compassion, understanding, and empathy – experiences that shape our collective consciousness.

In a world where everything

is on-demand,

I'm taking a different route. No streaming platforms. You want my music? You get it directly from me, the artist. With streaming and AI on the rise, the music industry is evolving at warp speed. It's time for artists to play a role in shaping its future. If left to corporate agendas and profit-driven motives, we risk losing the essence of true musical art.

Music started as a raw expression of human emotions, and over the centuries, it morphed into a business. Today, it often feels like a commodity. I'm here to advocate for its artistic roots. Art can thrive, but we need to set smart parameters if commerce is in the mix.

This brings me to my latest endeavor – artTracks Chronicle. My vision? Plant the seeds of valuing music as art over commerce and simultaneously create a demand for quality art. How? By providing free resources and guides to empower aspiring musicians and by dropping new tracks every month. It's not just a project; it's a mission to redefine the relationship between music, art, and our shared understanding of how to consume it. Join me on this journey, won't you?